Wednesday, January 21, 2015


I'm Nellie!
I'm gluten-free, dairy-free, toxin-free.
I started a journey about a year ago to eliminate toxic junk from my life and start incorporating natural practices to improve my health.
One of my New Year's resolutions this year was to 'become accountable.'
Let me explain to you my reasoning for this resolution:
Occasionally, I fall off the bandwagon. There. I said it. I'm not perfect--in fact, I make TONS of mistakes. I used to use the excuse that I didn't know any better--but excuses our out this year(another New Year's resolution is to stop procrastinating.)
The fact is: I don't know everything--but that's not an excuse to stay ignorant.

I'm here to learn through anyone willing to teach me, and I plan on posting regularly about what I learn. Everything I know about natural practices, I have learnt through someone who was typing at a computer just as I am now. It's time to deepen my knowledge, and help other's begin.

I'm hoping this blog will help me be more accountable. Considering I don't have anyone else in my life who cares about this topic, I NEED you guys!

What my blog's main focus will be:
1. Natural Skin Care
2. Healing my acne
3. New Discoveries
4. DIYs
5. Household Cleaning
6. Makeup

What my blog will occasional include:
1. Food
2. Essential Oils
3. Spirituality/meditation/yoga
4. Giveaways related to above said things

What my blog is not:
1. A negative environment
2. A source for me to tell you what to do or how to think

I am not an expert. I am a loving wife who cares deeply for her 4 animal companions and the health of her family. I have decided this year that I am a beautiful being that needs mind, body, and soul cleansing. Who's with me?

Nellie ~

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